Sunday, October 7, 2012

Quick Write

I'm working on my personal statement for JET, and I've been sitting in this coffee shop for about an hour.

Things I've done:

  • almost register to vote (I gave up halfway through because that site started selling me car insurance...)
  • helped Jann figure out how, and that he had to, pay for his loans starting next month
  • listen to and pass judgement at the most recent song leaked from Arashi's upcoming album
  • sip my iced green tea latte noncommittally
  • continuously stop myself from walking over to the restaurant next door to get some curry.
Notice how every single thing listed above is unrelated to JET.

It's common for me to sit on papers for a ridiculously long time. As a student, it would usually take me an hour to formulate a single paragraph. It's not that I find writing to be hard; it's just that there are so many distractions in my head. It's so difficult to filter the important things when I have so much fluff up there.

Also, I have to admit. This is a very intimidating essay to write. 

Why the hell is that, Bianca, you may ask. Good question. (Here's where you may quote Stephen Colbert and say, "Thank you.") There's a lot at stake here. Ten years of dreams, to be exact. 

I've been wanting this so bad that I've forgotten why I wanted to live and work in Japan in the first place. Let's look over some potential reasons:
  • anime? Nope. I stopped watching anime when I turned 14. Coincidentally, that's when I moved to the US. Do I think that Tagalog dubs are superior over English ones? Why, yes, I think I do.
  • manga? Negative. I've never read a single book. Don't all gasp at once now.
  • pretty boys? Yes, but I don't think that would make for a good personal statement. Actually, it could...but I don't know how it would be received at the US Embassy...
I think it's pretty clear, especially to me, that JET and I are an OTP

JET is the perfect program for me, and I am the perfect candidate for JET because I am what JET purports itself to be looking for - a youthful energy dedicated to education and eager to learn about Japanese language and culture. 

Basically, if you put education and Japan together, you'd produce a picture of myself wearing a kimono (With glasses. Because teachers wear glasses.) and waving an Arashi concert penlight. If your picture has sound, you would hear me going through a list of Japanese vocabulary words with a perfect accent. And yeah, I would probably be very annoying.

(How do I end this entry?) Lol k bye.

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